Are you curious to find out as to how different types of Birds there in the World?If you just can't enough of our feathered friendly read on the know more...........
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Monday, July 25, 2016
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Cranes look a lot like herons but they are usually larger, and have a
partlynaked head, and a more heavy bill. When
they are flying, their long neck is stretched out in front, and the legs trail out behind.
The earliest fossils of cranes
were discovered in North America.
Living forms are living everywhere all over the world except in Antarctica and South America, but
populations of lots are endangered by hunting and habitat destruction
Cranes are tall birds with long legs. They are usually brown, white, or gray in their color. There are over 15 kinds of species of cranes. They look rather like herons. The whooping crane (Grus americana)
is the tallest Americanbird.[4] Adults stand 5 feet tall and have a wingspan of up to 7 feet
Cranes are omnivores. They eat many kinds of plants, reptiles, smallmammals, and other birds. The average life time of a crane is from 20 to about 25 years. Cranes
are highly social birds that live in large flocks. Some species of cranes are thought as holy in Asia, especially Japan

All cranes are able to
defend themselves quite well. They are mostly quite large, and peck, kick and
batter opponents with their wings. They are territorial, and males will fight
even more vigorously than usual at mating seasons. Zookeepers use acrylic riot shields to protect themselves against
crane attacks.
Monday, June 20, 2016
The House Finch is a recent introduction from western into
eastern North America (and Hawaii),but it has received a warmer reception than
other arrivals like the European Starling and House Sparrow.That's partly due
to the cheerful red head and breast of males,and to the bird's long twittering
song,which can now be heard in most of the neighborhoods of the continent.If
you haven't seen one recently ,chances are you can find one at the next bird
feeder you come across. Adult males are rosy red around the face and upper
breast,with streaky brown back,belly and tail.In flight,the red rump is
conspicuous.Adult females aren’t red,they are plain grayish-brown with
thick,blurry streaks and an indistinctly
marked face.
House finches are gregarious birds that collect at feeders
,they feed on the ground,on weed stalks,or in tree.They move fairly slowly and
sit still as they shell seeds by crushing them with rapid bites.Flight is
bouncy,like many finches. House Finches frequent city parks,backyards,urban centers,farms,and forest edges across the continent.In the western U.S,,you’ll also find House Finches in their native habitats of deserts,grassland,chaparral,and open woods.
Monday, June 6, 2016
Hummingbirds are small,colorful birds with iridescent
feathers.Their name comes from the fact that they flap their wings so fast (about 80 times per second)that they
make a humming noise.Hummingbirds can fly right,left,up,down,backwards,and even
upside down.They are also able to
hover by flapping their wings in a figure -8 pattern.They have a
specialized long and tapered bill that is used to obtain nectar from the
center of long,tubular flowers.The Hummingbirds feet are used for perching
only,and are not used for hopping or walking. Hummingbirds
primarily eat flower nectar ,tree sap,insects and pollen.The hummingbirds fast
breathing rate,fast heartbeat and high
body temperature require that they eat often.They also require an enormous
amount of food each day.Hummingbirds have a long tongue which they use to lick
their food at a rate of up to 13 licks per second
Hummingbirds are found only in the Western Hemisphere ,from Southeastern Alaska to southern Chile ,although most live in the tropics.There are more than 300 species of hummingbirds,12 of which summer in North America and winter in tropical areas.
Thursday, June 2, 2016
Toucans have a very colorful and large bill.Which is the most distinguishing factor of these birds.These are brightly colored,flamboyant birds.Toucans are a kind of South American Duck.Also known as the Brazillion Goose. Toucans are native to Southern Mexico,Central America ,the northern part of South America,and the Caribbean region.They generally live in tropical and sub-tropical regions. Toucans are arboreal and typically lay 2-21 white eggs in their nests.They make their nests in tree hollows and holes excavated by other animals such as woodpeckers -the Toucan bill has very limited use as an excavation tool.When the eggs hatch,the young emerge completely naked,without any down.Toucans are resident breeders and do not migrate.Toucans are usually found in pairs or small flocks.They sometimes fence with their bills and wrestle,Which scientists hypothesize they do to establish dominance hierarchies.
Toucans are primarly frugivorous (fruit eating),but are opportunistically omnivorous and will take prey such as insects and small lizards.Captive Toucans have been reported to hunt insects actively in their cages,and it is possible to keep Toucans on an insect-only diet.They also plunder nests of smaller birds,taking eggs and nestlings.This probably provides a crucial addition of protein to their diet,certainly,apart from being systematically predatory as well as frugivorous, like many omnivorous birds,they particularly prefer animal food for feeding their chicks.However ,in their range,Toucans are the dominant frugivores,and as such,play an extremely important ecological role as vectors for seed dispersal of fruiting trees.
Toucans are primarly frugivorous (fruit eating),but are opportunistically omnivorous and will take prey such as insects and small lizards.Captive Toucans have been reported to hunt insects actively in their cages,and it is possible to keep Toucans on an insect-only diet.They also plunder nests of smaller birds,taking eggs and nestlings.This probably provides a crucial addition of protein to their diet,certainly,apart from being systematically predatory as well as frugivorous, like many omnivorous birds,they particularly prefer animal food for feeding their chicks.However ,in their range,Toucans are the dominant frugivores,and as such,play an extremely important ecological role as vectors for seed dispersal of fruiting trees.
The active little downy woodpeckers is a familiar sight at backyard feeders and in parks and woodtots,where it joins flocks of chickadees and nuthatches,barely outsizing them,An often acrobatic forager,this black -and-white woodpeckers it at home on tiny branches or balancing on slender plant gals,sycamore seed balls,and suet feeders. Downies and their larger look a like,the Hairy woodpeckers are one of the first indentification challengers that beginning bird watchers master. Downy eat mainly insects,including beetle larvae that live inside wood or tree bark as well as ants and carterpillers. They eat pest insects including corn earworm,tent Carterpillers bark beetles,and apple boarers. About a quarter of their diet consists of plant material particularly berries,acrons,and grains.Downy woodpeckers are common feeder birds,eating suet and black oil sunflower seeds and ocasionally drinking from humming bird feeders.
Woodpeckers don't sing songs but they drum loudly against pieces of wood or metal to achieve the same effect.People sometimes think this drumming is part of the birds feeding habits,but it isn't,In fact feeding birds make surprisingly little noise even when they're digging vigorously into wood.Downy Woodpeckers have been discovered nesting inside the walls of buildings.
Woodpeckers don't sing songs but they drum loudly against pieces of wood or metal to achieve the same effect.People sometimes think this drumming is part of the birds feeding habits,but it isn't,In fact feeding birds make surprisingly little noise even when they're digging vigorously into wood.Downy Woodpeckers have been discovered nesting inside the walls of buildings.
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
you can find Sparrow most places where there are houses(or other buildings)and few places where there aren't. Along with two other introduced species,the European starling and the Rock Pigeon,these are some of our most common birds.Their constant presence outside our doors makes them easy to overlook,and their tendency to displace native birds from nest boxes causes some people to resent them.But House Sparrows with their capacity to live so intimately with us,are just benficiaries of our own sucess. Sparrow are small birds.They are between 11-18 centemeteres long.They can weight between 13-42 grams.They are usually brown and gray.They have short tails and small,strong beaks,most Sparrow eat seeds or small insects,Sparrow are social birds and they live in flocks.
The House sparrow is a species of Sparrow.It lives all over the world.It originally lived only in Europe and Asia,However, people travelled to new places and the house sparrow went to those places too.It is now the bird with the widest distribution.This means it lives in the most places.The species has about 50 sub species.
The house sparrow lives close to humans ,often near human houses in towns or cities.It also lives near farms and makes a nest in a bush or small tree.It can have two or three broods per year.This means it has two or three sets of eggs and chicks each year.
The House sparrow is a species of Sparrow.It lives all over the world.It originally lived only in Europe and Asia,However, people travelled to new places and the house sparrow went to those places too.It is now the bird with the widest distribution.This means it lives in the most places.The species has about 50 sub species.
The house sparrow lives close to humans ,often near human houses in towns or cities.It also lives near farms and makes a nest in a bush or small tree.It can have two or three broods per year.This means it has two or three sets of eggs and chicks each year.
With sooty black plumage,a bare black head,and neat white stars under the wingtips,Black Vultures are almost dapper.Where as Turkey Vultures are lanky birds with teetering flight,Black Vultures are compact birds with broad wings,short tails,and powerful wingbeats.The two species often associate,the black vulture makes up for its poor sence of smell by following Turkey vultures to carcasses.Highly social birds with fierce family loyality,Black Vultures share food with relatives,feeding young for months after they've fledged. -Black
Vultures feed almost exclusively on carrion, locating it by soaring high in the
skies on thermals. From this vantage they can spot carcasses and also keep an
eye on Turkey Vultures—which have a more developed sense of smell—and follow
them toward food. Black Vultures often gather in numbers at carcasses and then
displace Turkey Vultures from the food. Their carrion diet includes feral hogs,
poultry, cattle, donkeys, raccoons, coyotes, opossums, striped skunks, and
armadillos. Sometimes Black Vultures wade into shallow water to feed on
floating carrion, or to catch small fish. They occasionally kill skunks,
opossums, night-herons, leatherback turtle hatchlings, and livestock, including
young pigs, lambs, and calves. They also often investigate dumpsters and
landfills to pick at human discards. Black Vultures live year-round in forested and
open areas of the eastern and southern United States south to South America.
They have expanded their range northward in the last several decades and are
now seen regularly as far north as New England. Most abundant at low
elevations, they breed in dense woodlands but usually forage in open habitats
and along roads. Some live in semirural suburbs. Black Vultures roost in
undisturbed stands of tall trees, including sycamores, pines, hickories, oaks,
junipers, and bald cypress, as well as structures like electrical pylons. Roost
sites are often close to water and next to obstructions that generate updrafts
of air, to help the flock take flight in the early morning.
A bird born to run,the Greater Roadrunner can outrace a human,kill a rattlesnake,and thrive in the harsh landscapes of the desert southwest.Roadrunners reach two feet from sturdy bill to white tail tip,with a bushy blue-black crest and mottled plumage that blends well with dusty shrubs.As they run ,they hold their lean frames nearly parallel to the ground and rudder with their long tails.They have recently extended their range eastward into Missouri and Louisiana.Roadrunners are generally found in the deserts of Southwestern United States,Central America and Mexico.
Greater Roadrunners eat poisonous prey,including venomous lizards and scorpions,with no ill effect,although they're careful to swallow horned lizards head-first with the horns pointed away from vital organs.Roadrunners can also kill and eat rattlesnakes often in tandem with another roadrunner,as one distracts the snake by jumping and flapping,the other sneaks up and pins its head ,then bashes the snake against a rock,if it's is too long to swallow all at once,a Roadrunner will walk around with a length of snake still protruding from its bill,swallowing it a little at a time as the snake digests.
Greater Roadrunner eat mostly animals,including almost anything they can catch,small mammals,reptiles,frogs,toads,insects,centipedes,scorpions,and birds.Roadrunners also eat carrion and prey on bird eggs and chicks.They kill rattlesnakes by pecking them repeatedly in the head.They slam large pray,such as rodents and lizards,against a rock or the ground multiple times to break down the bones and elongate the victim,making it easier to swallow.These opportunistic preadators have also been known to grab birds from backyards feeders or nest boxes.In winter ,fruit,seeds,and other plant material make up 10% of Roadrunner's diet.
Greater Roadrunners eat poisonous prey,including venomous lizards and scorpions,with no ill effect,although they're careful to swallow horned lizards head-first with the horns pointed away from vital organs.Roadrunners can also kill and eat rattlesnakes often in tandem with another roadrunner,as one distracts the snake by jumping and flapping,the other sneaks up and pins its head ,then bashes the snake against a rock,if it's is too long to swallow all at once,a Roadrunner will walk around with a length of snake still protruding from its bill,swallowing it a little at a time as the snake digests.
Greater Roadrunner eat mostly animals,including almost anything they can catch,small mammals,reptiles,frogs,toads,insects,centipedes,scorpions,and birds.Roadrunners also eat carrion and prey on bird eggs and chicks.They kill rattlesnakes by pecking them repeatedly in the head.They slam large pray,such as rodents and lizards,against a rock or the ground multiple times to break down the bones and elongate the victim,making it easier to swallow.These opportunistic preadators have also been known to grab birds from backyards feeders or nest boxes.In winter ,fruit,seeds,and other plant material make up 10% of Roadrunner's diet.
Quails belong to the pheasant family.These are medium-sized bird.Certain species of Quail are hunted in the wild or on farms,raised to be coocked,or even produce eggs.California Quail is a handsome ,round soccer ball of a bird with a rich gray beast intricately scaled underparts,and a curious,forward-drooping head plume.They found in other brushy areas of California and the Northwest.They have been introduced to many other parts of the world.including Hawaii,Europe,and Newzealand.
California Quail nests can contain as many as 28 eggs.These large clutches may be the result of females laying eggs in nests other than their own,a behaviour known as "egg-dumping". Quail mainly a seed eater,also eats leaves,flowers,catkins,grain, monzanita and poison oak berries,acorns,and invertebrates such as caterpillars,beetles,mites,millipedes,and snails.Diet is typically about 70% vegetarian.
I'll normally see California Quail walking,running,or scratching at the ground and leaf litter of seeds and other food.The occasionally forage in trees.California Quails generally forage in open areas but stay close to cover.When running ,they can move amazingly quickly despite their short legs.If pressed by a predator they will burst into flight with rapid,whirring wingbeats. California Quail from flocks known as coveys in fall and winter,these usually contain family groups and can number more than 75 individuals.They roost in trees and feed mainly in the morning and evening,spending most of the day in shrubs that shade them from the sun and protect them fro preadators.
California Quail nests can contain as many as 28 eggs.These large clutches may be the result of females laying eggs in nests other than their own,a behaviour known as "egg-dumping". Quail mainly a seed eater,also eats leaves,flowers,catkins,grain, monzanita and poison oak berries,acorns,and invertebrates such as caterpillars,beetles,mites,millipedes,and snails.Diet is typically about 70% vegetarian.
I'll normally see California Quail walking,running,or scratching at the ground and leaf litter of seeds and other food.The occasionally forage in trees.California Quails generally forage in open areas but stay close to cover.When running ,they can move amazingly quickly despite their short legs.If pressed by a predator they will burst into flight with rapid,whirring wingbeats. California Quail from flocks known as coveys in fall and winter,these usually contain family groups and can number more than 75 individuals.They roost in trees and feed mainly in the morning and evening,spending most of the day in shrubs that shade them from the sun and protect them fro preadators.
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