Sunday, May 29, 2016


Parrots are members of the order psittaciformes,which includes more than 350 bird species,including Parakeets,Macaws,Cockatiels and Cockatoos,,according to the integrated Taxonomic information system.Though there are many types of Parrots,all Parrots species have a few traits in common.For example,to be classified as Parrot. The bird must have a curved beak,and its feet must be zygodactyl,which means there are four toes on each foot with two toes that point forward and two that point backward.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Most wild parrots live in the warm areas of the Southern hemisphere,though they can be found in many other regious of the world,such as  Northern mexico,Australia,South America,and central America have the greatest diversity of Parrots species.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
The most important components of most parrots diet are Seeds,Fruit like nuts,buds and other plant material.A few species sometimes eat animals and carrion,while the lories and lorikeets are specialised for feeding on floral nectar and soft fruits.almost all Parrots nest in tree hollows ,and lay white eggs from which hatch altriclal(helpless)young.                                                                                                                                                                                          parrots are among the most intelligent birds,as are the crow family,ravens,crows,jays and magpies and the ability of some species to make sound like human voices enhances their popularity as pets.

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